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Probation Violations and Motions to Revoke

The scariest thing about a motion to revoke probation is that you are automatically in a tough spot. At this point, you’ve already pled to or been found guilty of the case. Second, the State of Texas doesn’t have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt anymore, just a preponderance of the evidence which is way easier to prove.
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Assault / Family Violence Assault Offenses

If you or a loved one are sitting on a family violence case, don’t let the misdemeanor part of the charge fool you. An assault misdemeanor can ruin your expectations for a good future about as well as most felony convictions.
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Robbery & Aggravated Robbery

If you have been charged with the felony offense of Robbery or Aggravated Robbery, your life is on the line and it’s important for you to learn who to do next.
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